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The Congregation of Cooke Centenary Presbyterian Church, member of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland aims to comply fully with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


Policy Documents


Below are a number of policies produced by the GDPR Team at Cooke and provisionally approved and adopted by the Kirk Session.


Subject Access Request


Under GDPR legislation individuals can access the personal data that an organisation holds about them. An individual is entitled to be:

  • told whether any personal data is being processed;

  • given a description of the personal data, the reasons it is being processed, and whether it will be given to any other organisations or people;

  • given a copy of the information comprising the data; and given details of the source of the data (where this is available).


Individuals also have a number of other rights which we must comply with including the rights to:

  • rectify personal data which is incomplete or inaccurate and if necessary inform third parties that this has been done.

  • be informed of how personal data is processed in a transparent manner.

  • have their personal data deleted unless if there is a valid reason not to do this.

  • restrict processing of personal data for certain purposes.

  • object to the processing of personal data in a certain way.

  • have data transferred to a third party so it can be reused (data portability).

  • have a say in whether automated decisions are being made using the personal data and insist on an actual person intervening.


If you would like to submit a Subject Access Request (SAR) please send an email to You should receive a reply confirming the receipt of your SAR within a few days. A completed SAR response will be returned to you within 30 days.

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